Our box office is available to serve your needs during the hours listed below.
You can also order your tickets online for greater convenience.
IMPORTANT: Wheelchair accommodations are available, but limited. Please make clear your need for handicap seating at the time you purchase your tickets. ALL SEATING IS STADIUM STYLE SEATING SO ALL BUT THE HANDICAP SEATING REQUIRES STAIRS
Kelsey Theatre
Mercer County Community College
1200 Old Trenton Road
West Windsor, NJ 08550
(Click here for directions)
For in-person or phone purchases:
Mon-Thur 9:00AM to 12:00PM , Fridays from 3:30 until 30 min after curtain and 1 hour before show time.
For late purchases and Will Call pickup:
Fri, Sat, Sun 1 hour before show time.
The box office is closed on Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Winter Recess, New Year's Day, MLK Day, Memorial Day and Juneteenth. Summer hours vary due to subscription orders.
To order tickets by phone, call 1-609-570-3333
Kelsey Theatre accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express.
Our service provider charges a per-ticket charge of $1.50. Your ticket purchase, including this fee, will appear on your credit card statement.
Kelsey Theatre’s box office accepts pre-orders by phone Monday thru Thursday 9:00AM to 12:00PM, Fridays 3:30 - 6:30 pm.
Please be ready with your credit card and a smile.
Step 1:
Complete the order form found in the back of the Kelsey Theatre season brochure.
The brochure may be downloaded and printed from our website here.
Step 2:
Be sure to add a $1.50 per ticket fee to the total amount.
Step 3:
Make your check payable to: MCCC/Kelsey Theatre
Step 4:
Mail your check and completed order form to:
Kelsey Theatre
PO Box 17202
Trenton, NJ 08690
Step 5:
Wait to receive your tickets in the mail, or pick them up at the box office one hour before the performance.
IMPORTANT: Tickets will be mailed to you only if we receive the order two weeks before the performance date. Otherwise, tickets can be e-mailed to you or held at the box office for pickup on the day of the performance.
Gift certificates may be purchased in any denomination. However, certificates must be purchased and picked up in person at Kelsey Theatre. Please contact the box office (609-570-3333) to make arrangements.
Yes, we are handicap accessible. IMPORTANT NOTE: Wheelchair accommodations are available, but limited. You must make clear your need for handicap seating at the time you purchase your tickets.
The theater has a side entrance/exit on the same level as our handicap parking and it leads directly into the house and to our handicap seating. Please see the house manager for assistance when you arrive.
Large-print programs are also available on request.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Kelsey Theatre has stadium style seating so every seat, except the limited wheelchair/handicap seating requires going up or down at least 1 step.
Yes, Mercer County Community College faculty, staff and students may purchase any ticket for any show (availability permitting) for just $9 plus a $1.50 ticket fee, provided they display their MCCC ID at the box office.
All patrons 24 months and older require a ticket. Discounts are available on the purchase of tickets for children and students.
Children and students receive the student rate at any age as long as they are students somewhere, and can show an ID.
All sales are FINAL. Please note that tickets are NOT refundable.
Exchanges are permitted only for series subscribers, and only for the same show. Patrons MUST notify us of the exchange prior to the scheduled show time.
We do our best to accommodate seating requests when possible. Online ordering allows you to select your seats from the available inventory.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Wheelchair accommodations are available, but limited. You must make clear your need for handicap seating at the time you purchase your tickets.